Last Sunday’s concert was a wonderful occasion – sumptuous tea on a sea of cakestands, and an inspiring and entertaining set from the Dirl Folk Trio. Thanks to everyone who came, helped and made a great atmosphere, from St James, Inverleith St Serfs, the Edinburgh Singers and the wider local community. The combined ticket sales and money from the bookstall raised £671 towards the rainwater goods.

This weekend, for Creationtide 2, we have been thinking about water. We struggle with it at times, especially when it’s coming through the roof and into our church and halls! Yet many around the world don’t have enough water and what they do have is often contaminated, causing preventable illness and death. We welcomed Jimmy Hudson from Water Aid at our Sunday morning service. He challenged us to think about how we might give thanks for our own clean water and support those who are less fortunate. As a church we currently support Water Aid as one of our key charities.

At the same time we have declared ‘war on water ingress’ with regard to our buildings!  Once these works are done, our buildings should all be watertight! This constitutes Phase One of our building project and we hope to complete it early in 2025.

For Creationtide 1 we were thinking about Plastic. Find out more here:



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