Sunday Worship

Our main Sunday service is at 11am. We currently meet in the church hall, while the needs of our elderly church building are being reviewed. Access to the church hall is down the left hand side of the church building. Please come as you are, and stay for a cup of tea or coffee after the service. Please see updated message from the Rector regarding the church building (May 2024)


Lent Groups: Join a group for the 6 weeks of Lent and let’s study Philippians together!

Saturday 1st March: A Study Day exploring the art and architecture of our church 9.30-5pm with some impressive speakers including Liz Louis from the National Galleries of Scotland talking about William Hole. Book now, invite friends. Fliers available. See more information here.

The brand new Guidebook to the art and architecture of St James is now available. Min. donation £5. Get your copy from the Table at the back of church.

Ash Wednesday is on 5th March this year. Instead of the Reflection Group join us in the chancel for Communion with imposition of ashes and refreshments afterwards.

Friday 7th March: World Day of Prayer 2.30pm at Granton Parish Church. Pray for the world with other local churches.